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Installation tutorial for:
International Rally Championship 1997

Step 1:
You have to install the game, I have an installation with patches uploaded here:

bandicam 2021-09-20 00-59-12-300.png

Extract the game to C:\irc.


Step 2:
Run irc-fix.bat, awnser "Yes" when the question "An installed file with the same ID was found. Replace it? (Yes/No)" appears.

Step 3:
If the game still doesen't work, open dgVooDooCpl.exe in your game directory, then  change your Output API.


If you only want to play offline, these are the only steps

Step 4:
For online play, you need to install Radmin VPN:


Step 5:
Now, you need to join the IPLounge discord server, since there is no other way to get other people to join (unless you have a friend) and if you have trouble setting up, the admins will help :)


Step 6:
Once you have joined the Discord server and Radmin VPN has installed, join the IPLounge Radmin network, or make one if you know how (not recommended if you want maximum players). Network name: Iplounge Password: other-games


Final step:
Go to your game directory, open ipxconfig.exe and set the "Primary interface" to "Fanatech RadminVPN Ethernet Adapter". Your game should now be ready to play, test it on singleplayer, or ask someone to host or join a race :)


Optional step:
Customising or fixing your dgVooDoo setup. If you want your game to look beter, go to DirectX and set your "Anti-aliasing (MSAA)" to 8x and the texturing filtering to "force anisotropic 16x".


How to join a race:
Open the game, select "Networked Rally" and set the link mode to "Slave", don't touch anything else and press connect (make sure to set the session number to the one that the host set).
Since this game doesen't have in-game chat, you will have to use your phone to chat in discord or make a call.


How to host a race:
Open the game, select "Networked Rally" and set the link mode to "Master", then select the amount of players that will join, don't touch anything else and press connect (you can change the session number, but if you do, then tell the players).
Since this game doesen't have in-game chat, you will have to use your phone to chat in discord or make a call.


Thanks for reading, i hope this guide worked!
Good luck racing :D


Made by bug :D

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